(By Dr.Yonnas Gondemo, Ethiopian Politics Contributor)
In this country, the pen is truly mightier than the sword. The Meles Zenawi Regime has started an information war directed at influencing the American government and its public. The information we have received indicates that there has been a highly organized government backed effort to flood internet sites with petitions, posts and e-mails targeting elected U.S public officials.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the information war has officially began .
We call upon all able and willing Ethiopians (those with a computer or a pen) to join us in this struggle. We extend our deep appreciation to those of you who are already engaged in this information war and urge all Ethiopians in the Diaspora not to be weary. Petitions, letter writing and e-mails are important. Melse Zenawi knows it and so do we.
We urge you not to miss any opportunity to show your solidarity and to stand behind the fallen heroes of Addis Ababa.