Friday, April 13, 2007

Meet the Candidates

Next Sunday is the first round of the French presidential elections and so the official campaigning has begun. Below is a table of all 12 candidates and a short 2 minute campaign video of each which are shown at certain times on national TV. Enjoy!

François Bayrou
Union for French Democracy (UDF)
Olivier Besancenot
Revolutionary Communist League (LCR)
José Bové
Alter-globalization activist (no party)
Marie-Georges Buffet
French Communist Party (PCF)
Arlette Laguiller
Communist Union (Lutte Ouvrière)
Jean-Marie Le Pen
National Front (FN)
Frédéric Nihous
(Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Tradition Party)
Ségolène Royal
Socialist Party (PS)
Nicolas Sarkozy
Union for a Popular Movement (UMP)
Gérard Schivardi
Workers' Party (Parti Travailleurs)
Philippe de Villiers
Movement for France (MPF)
Dominique Voynet
The Green Party (Verts)