In fact, not just HMOs, but the whole health care profession.
Next up: the War on Health. This war sponsored by Pfizer.
The war on Communism has been "won". The War on DrugsTM is busy filling jails at home. And now the War on TerrorTM may no longer be working to justify the vast military-industrial spending.
For some reason the war on peanuts never took off, but I think this one really has a shot.
We already have a backlash toward doctors because of the recent attempted London bombings. (Keep pushing the doctor aspect, see, because people might mistakenly think the detainments of Indian doctors has to do with their foreign-ness not their doctor-ness. We already have a war on foreigners. We are trying to start the war on health, people.) The foot soldiers in this war are already marching.
Post title shamelessly stolen from here.