Wild Sweet Orange,
Los Angeles (Silverlake), Ca.
So, a little over a month ago, the cool folks over at Sneak Attack Media invited us out to see Wild Sweet Orange perform in Silverlake. The band is from Alabama, currently has released one EP. We agreed to go because it seems like bad form to turn down a free show at Spaceland, but our expectations for the show were not terribly high as we really enjoy two of the songs on the EP, but the others never struck us as particularly memorable.
However, WSO put on a very memorable performance. The band, frankly, comes off as a bit sterile on the EP, but they really come alive on stage. They're twangy enough to justify all the alt.country illusions made in their promotional material (and twangy enough to justify the use of cowboy shirts).
Note that the lead singer, on several occasions, busted out a pretty dead on Jeff Tweedy Face. Compare the real Jeff Tweedy Face, with the WSO Jeff Tweedy Face:
But they rock hard enough for those in the crowd who are never comfortable with alt.country because it's too, um, country.
They were twangy. They rocked. They were, in a word, fierce. And don't think we are going to use one of the hottest new entries in the pop cultural lexicon without proper attribution. As the Fellow Blogger with whom we went to the show pointed out, the drummer bared a striking resemblance to Christian Siriano.
All in all, another fun night of live music in one of our favorite venues in Los Angeles.