Sunday, May 4, 2008

LA Times Book Fair

Yes, in case you thought you saw me in the crowd, I was out in California last weekend for the LA Times book festival, and it was a treat. I spoke on a panel titled "Biography: Infamous Lives," where I delivered one of my typical spell-binding, clever, insightful orations about young J. Edgar Hoover for a packed room of 300+ people. Joining me on the panel were Nancy Isenberg (Aaron Burr) and Michael Neufeld (Werner Von Braun), and moderator Scott Berg.  Any of you lucky enough to watch C-SPAN BookTV that day saw it live.

It was a fun trip. The LA Times festival draws a huge crowd to the UCLA campus, with plenty of atmosphere, dozens of interesting, esoteric booths, and a taste of Hollywood. While there, I also did an interview with Blogger Paul Huebl ("Crime, Guns, and Videotape") which he posted on Google Video.  Check it out below.  Enjoy.