Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I like this tag dari si Kaii HEHEHE

1. What's your name?
- Muhd Fadly

2. Do you like your name? Why or why not?
- mesti laaa suka... sal nya... yang lain mana mereka suka tu

3. What's your favorite color?
- biru langit and biru aing Pulau langkawi

4. What's your favorite band/singer?
- of all time beatles sal lagu nya dapat me twist punggung me.

5. What's your favorite song?
- buat masa ane.. lagu ST12 - Saat terakhir

6. Do you have any pets? If so, what are they? What are their names?
- ada.. ucing.. si putih and si qitty kiut yow... u mau?

7. What color are the walls in your room?
- lightgreen

8. Do you have any siblings? If so, are they older or younger? What gender? How many?
- adaaaa... me kedua , my brother pertama , then adi me bini after me then laki laki .

9. Do you hate your life? Why or why not?
- ndaaaa.... karang kana unjar ku leh urang jahat crita SAW IV

10. What are your fetishes?
-apa kan neee.. nda ku paham eh.. fish kali wah.. my fish is Koi tapi iksyen me
11. Who do you love?
- family , frens . sapa gi..? anyone read this sentense.

12. Are you a virgin?
- au laaa.. teruna kali ah

13. Do you have any STDs?
- teruk jua soalan nya aneh eh hehe

14. Are you ugly or pretty?
- or

15. Are you fat or skinny?
- lemak or kulit .. kulit bisai kali ah

16. Are you bulimic/anorexic?
- me gudboi

17. What's your favorite food?
- buttermilk chicken di NYONYA

18. What labels would you use to describe yourself?
- 'funneh..."

19. Do you wish you had more/less friends? Or are you happy with the amount of friends you have?
-lagi lagi lagi ramai ramai...

20. Do you like records, tapes, CDs, or mp3s best?
- mp3 laaaa sanang masuk kan dalam PSP ku..

21. Do you have any talents? What are they?
- naik kirai macam the rock tapi bleh kiri kanan laju laju...

22. Do you play any instruments? What are they?
- naaaada... eh eh ada.. wisel tangan.

23. What song are you listening to right this very instant?
- jason mraz im yours

24. Have you ever cybered before?
- cybered ? apa kebende neh.. eerrr... nda kali

25. Have you ever kissed someone that has the same gender as you?
- au lah... cousin me damit masih ah.. hehehe

26. Are you stupid or smart?
- or

27. What kind of music do you like?
- nda membari sakit telinga

28. Do you have any regrets?
- au leeer. banyak eh

29. Do you wish you could go back in time to fix all your mistakes?
- back to the future? mo eh.. macam dalam muvee ah..

30. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
-ermm brapa yaaa...2 gilpren

31. Do you hate chatspeak?
- chatting? sukaaa eh..

32. Are you a PM/grammar/anything else Nazi?
- Nazi? german tu yow... nda ku suka eh.. hahaha apakan.. kay nda me paham eh..

33. Do you have AIM, Yahoo, or MSN?
- msn saja

34. Do you have your own website?
- blog saja...

35. Have you ever hacked or spammed someone?
- au... penah.. thru msn.. hehehe siuk !!

36. Have you ever lied about yourself online?
- errr.. once atu pun terpaksa

37. Have you ever called someone you met online?
- unfortunately yes

38. Do you know how to swim?
- au laaaaa..lakas tah MST

39. What is your biggest fear?

40. What is your stupidest fear?
-apaaa ah..... tikus mun masuk lam suar takut eh.. karang ilang anakonda me

41. How old are you?
- 21

42. Do you do your homework?
- jarang lah.. copycate saja

43. Do you dream at night?
- au leeeeer... wet one hahaha lols

44. Do you daydream when you're supposed to be paying attention?
- adaaa.. uhm time cigu ngajar pakai slideshow so kami tutup lampung ,

45. Do you have a hitlist?
- naaadaaa

46. Have you ever lied to someone?
-ada jua...

47. Have you ever had an abortion?
- soalan bini2 jua ne kay nda kah..?

48. Do you like George W. Bush?
- lau aku ne hollow man.. awal dah ku tabak palanya

49. Have you ever murdered someone?
- jangan eh.. nda penah

50. Do you want to be famous someday?
- femes.. ? uhm si kay mau jadi femes dangki ku jua eh.. jadi femes kekeke bleh kay ah..

51. Are you normal?
- normal eh.

52. Are you popular?
- na tau lah ah...

53. Do you have an iPod?
- balum ku bali kan bali plang tunggu bajet eh.. kay blikan me eh....

54. Do you like the color yellow?
- cawer tu nu.

55. Do any colors scare you?
-errrrm.. merah!

56. Are you afraid of the dark?
- kadang kadang hehehe.

57. Do you have a shadow?
- jap mencek . ADA !

58. Do you have a reflection?
- ada lah

59. Are you insane?
- hahaha lum gila eh..

60. Do you have any mental illnesses?
- ok ku masih

61. Have you ever worn a straitjacket?
- jacket yang lurus , uhm balum penah ku jmpa eh hahaha

62. Do you like domos or ninjas more?
- ninja kiut

63. What's your favorite TV show?
- CSI , cooking master boy

64. What languages do you speak?
- bekurapak melayu laaa..

65. What's your favorite movie?
- any cerita P Ramlee

66. Who's your favorite actor?
- Saiful Apek

67. Have you ever had beer/smoked a cigarette/taken drugs?
- ndaaaaaaaaa! im not a smoker

68. Are you saving sex for marriage?
- ofcourse ler

69. Have you ever touched a condom?
- errrr....

70. Do you want to get married one day?
- au lah...

71. Are you planning on having children when you get older?
- mau eh...

72. I love you. Do you love me?
-hah... kay..you kah ne tnya dis ques..? no comment ehehe

73. Do you like online life or real life more?
- Online life ok jua

74. Who would like to stay by your side? Family or friend?
- family

75. What country do you live in?
- Brunei Darussalam yang tercinta

76. Do you cuss?
- auuu.

77. How many floors does your house have?
- 5 tapi iksyen me, dua saja laa.

78. Do you have your own room or do you have to share it with someone?
- ada bilik sendiri eh..

79. Are planning on going to/already going to/finished college?
- mau blajar gi....

80. What do you want to be when you grow up?

81. Do you have a best friend?
- ada

82. Do you like talking on the phone?
- dapan dapan more sincere to me

83. Are you moody?
- nda lah

84. Do you cut yourself?
- eeeeeeer nda

85. Has anyone that you know ever committed or attempted suicide?
- au... my pren.. heehe sal buipren nya be ulah

86. Have you ever thought about killing yourself?
- nda laaa

87. Have you ever overdosed on medicine?
- nop

88. Do you like school?
- au... so dapat jumpa kawan.

89. Do you like cheese?
- yang untuk pizza atu..

90. Have you ever eaten part of a human being?
- heh im not cannibal

91. Do you masturbate?
- gilak~

92. Do you watch hentai/porn?
- napa soalan nya makin aher makin panat ane kan hehehe

93. How many blog accounts do you have?
- satu saja planning kan buat lagi satu untuk my photoblog

94. Have you ever stalked someone? If so, where and when?
- penaaah... ehehe aceleeeer.

95. Have you ever been stalked by someone?
- heehhe adaaa..

96. What stores do you just have to go to when you go to the mall?
- lau ada kadai kamera di mall...

97. Do you have job? If so, what is it?
- communcation engineering

98. Do you want to travel to a different country someday? If so, which country?
- madagascar!!

99. Do you have cable?
- cable apakan?.

100. Do you like VH1 or MTV better?

101. What the most embarassing moment you ever had?
- ada time shopping sumwer in arab country ... siuk siuk kan meliat kasuk t skali ada kasut atu... dari jauh dah me nampak lawa brabis.. so dengan kompiden belusir lah kan masuk ke kadai. *BUUUM!!!~* tehantok kana cramin transparent brabis nda nampak kilat nyaaaa!!! HAHAHAHA pacaaaaaah bek jua bukan di brunei ahahha