Saturday, August 1, 2009

Trial Charges Against Iranian Moderates Are Flimsy

Free Iran, #IranElections, Political Elections...Image by BL1961 via Flickr

From Denny: These are the petty charges against the Iranian moderates who are members of the opposition party. Looks like the government wants to make sure even a small charge can stick just in case public opinion runs against them. They want to be able to declare victory on the most ambiguous of charges.

Here's the rundown of Regime Paranoia Points:

* acting against national security

* attempting to weaken the Islamic system

* having links with American, British and Israeli agents

* having links with MKO terrorist group

* sending pictures for foreign media outlets to instigate plots

* disturbing public order through rioting

* vandalizing public property

* setting up and attending illegal rallies

and the best for last:

* clashing with security forces - how dare you protect yourself when beaten over the head with night sticks and rifle butts when you are unarmed and in a peaceful demonstration.

Looks like Iran's regime is determined to hold onto power. These charges satisfy the harshest elements in their society. Putting these people away in prison on such flimsy - even childish - charges will not stop the movement but only give it martyrs to fuel the movement.

The opposition has started a fire the government cannot put out. When a person's spirit is on fire for change there is no stopping it. You can sideline people for a while but the inevitable will happen and that government will be dismissed by voters or toppled by a coup.

Iran, United States, Iran moderates, protestors trials, Middle East, National security, British Empire, Islam, Society and Culture, People's Mujahedin of Iran

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