Sunday, September 6, 2009

4 Videos: California Fires 50 Percent Contained

From Denny: After 12 days of raging fire burning up way too much of the Los Angeles area, due to arson, the fires are finally at least 50% contained. It has been so difficult to just sit by and watch all this devastation happening to people, losing their homes and businesses and their family memories.

The same thing happened on the Gulf Coast when the flooding came from Hurricane Katrina. We had a lot of help from California and now, it's my hope, that the Gulf Coast people will give back to their friends in California who helped us in our time of need. Do what you can to donate to organizations like the Red Cross and church groups who are at work in the area.

The good news is that the fire fighters were able to save the famed Mount Wilson observatory where so much history has been made. Reported 6 September:

This was reported on 4 September about the arson, now homicide, investigation:

This was reported on 1 September early on when the fires caught everyone by surprise as to the ferocity of the blazes. Talking to the weatherman, Al Roker, explains how the humidity can help the fire fighters' efforts:

1 Sept: This video gives you insight into the fire fighting from the air in addition to the massive ground operations for a disaster of this magnitude. Fire season in California used to be from the summer into December. For the past three years, because of extreme drought, it is fire season all year round now.