Monday, October 5, 2009

Video: Meet The Press, part 2, Democrat Maddow Pummels Republican Murphy into a Pout

From Denny: As usual, inside Washington they worry far too much about their own egos than they do about the welfare and job situation of the American people. Gregory tried to define President Obama as weak for trying for the Olympics and then losing. Emotionally mature people, that is, grown-ups, don't talk like that or fritter away their time thinking about it - but Gregory sure had to waste the time of his audience asking a question no one cared to hear except his merry band in the TV studio.

Rice's answer was a lesson in how to meet life even when it doesn't go your way: why would you criticize the President for standing up for and promoting his country abroad? How is that a weak position? Clearly, the Democrats are finally fine-tuning their stance and backing it up with a steel spine. Better late to the game than never showing up to take a stand.

Rice made a great point here that the United Nations is a body of 192 nations of which only a handful get negative press on a regular basis: Iran, Venezuela and Libya, the clowns of the global neighborhood. Basically, boiling down her answer and what she implied, is that no one in the world has enough money in their treasuries to "go it alone" like the naive Bush and Cheney strategy for handling all the many problems facing each country.

What a shame; they edited out Murphy looking pissy and giving the chic style of the cold shoulder to Maddow when she asked him why Palin asked the only White Supremacist author in America to be the co-author of her best-selling book on Amazon. Throughout the program Maddow constantly challenged Murphy which he clearly did not appreciate.

Maddow blindsided him with the truth and facts and he was uncomfortable. After all, he is the Bush author of "don't go anywhere or do anything unless you control the situation ahead of time." I read that as fear of the unknown and the inability to think well on your feet. Meet The Press is still a heavily endowed Republican centric program rather than an objective news show. Editing any clips where a Republican looks bad said it all.