In an extensively-researched paper entitled "Dossier on Liberationism and the USCCB" (available on the website of the Catholic Media Coalition), writer Stephanie Block has conclusively revealed the pervasiveness of Marxist "liberation theology" within the American Catholic church. Her report is shocking in its scope and detail (viz., her confident statements like "While claiming to be a 'peace' movement, Pax Christi USA has consistently supported Marxist movements, even when they were violent," p. 51).
Her findings only support my constant claim that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is actively attempting to instill socialist values in America's historically capitalist and free market society. Granted, some bishops may be more Marxist or "revolutionary" than others--however, all of them are socialist and imbued with the inherently seditious political ideology of the Vatican.
Block's ultimate conclusion?
"Without rejecting or retreating from the Church’s proper commitment to justice and to service of the poor, but in the light of the above dossier, one may conclude that the errors of liberationism are deeply entrenched in many catechetical materials and programs supported by the USCCB," p. 61.
It is, I feel, quite refreshing to hear a Catholic finally admit this voluntarily.