Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Cameron and Clegg welcome you to the new British era of Pinch-yourself 'New Politics'

Less than two weeks ago in the final televised election debate, Conservative leader and now PM David Cameron was ripping into Liberal Democrat leader and now Deputy PM Nick Clegg on his policies towards Europe, Defence, Taxation and Immigration amongst others.

Today in the garden of 10 Downing Street they appeared side-by-side in praise of each other pledging to work together for five years in the "national interest". Hands up who saw this happening as little as six-weeks ago?

One particular highlight of the new double act came from a question by a Channel 5 reporter: Does the PM now regret saying that his favourite joke was "Nick Clegg"?

Mr Clegg appeared not to have heard this before, laughed then said "I'm off ... " to which Cameron joked back, in a rather dramatic style: "Come back." Cue much laughter (and astonishment) from the press in attendance. (Cameron then said he is prepared to eat humble pie and swallow some of his words and that he "cannot think of a better diet to give Britain good government.")

It was a truly breathtaking sight and even left the political commentators speechless, but welcome to an new era in British history - the pinch-yourself 'New politics'.