It took me back to my old Sunday School days. Our teacher used to ask us kids to take turns reading through a passage of scripture aloud, with each person reading a single verse.
Have we come to this? I know remarks have been made about the Tea Party movement treating the U.S. Constitution as a fundamentalist might treat the King James Version of the Bible, but when I saw it in action just now, the effect was chilling. John Calvin called the human race "a perpetual factory of idols." It would seem we've found ourselves a new one.

One commentator has estimated the cost to taxpayers of this little publicity stunt at $1.1 million.
Let's see, now... what does this story remind me of? Could it be when, in Nehemiah 8, Ezra the scribe reads the law to the people of Israel, freshly returned from exile to a ruined Jerusalem? Isn't it just a wee bit of hyperbole to imply that a mid-term change of party leadership in one of the two houses of Congress is a parallel situation of nationwide repentance from apostasy?

Oh, pull-eaze!
What really concerned me, though, was to hear the new Speaker of the House, John Boehner, lambasting the recently-enacted healthcare reform legislation and vowing to repeal it. I don't recall him ever mentioning the words "healthcare reform" without prefixing it with "job-killing." I lost track of the number of times he said "job-killing healthcare reform."

Come to think about it, in making the job-loss argument, isn't Mr. Boehner conceding that the healthcare-reform legislation is, in fact, creating a system that's more cost-efficient than the one we've presently got? Wouldn't the elimination of a limited number of administrative-support jobs be, sadly, necessary, in order to accomplish the financial efficiencies that everyone agrees must be the goal if healthcare is to become affordable again?
Mr. Boehner, by the way, is the same man who, in the midst of a debate on tobacco-growers' subsidies in 1995, personally distributed campaign-contribution checks from tobacco lobbyists to his fellow members of Congress on the House floor.
Yes, he did. On the House floor. (He later apologized for it, explaining that it wasn't technically against House rules, then led a campaign to reform the House rules to prohibit what he'd just done. To protect the country from people like himself, I suppose.)
Mr. Boehner went on to repeat another phrase endlessly: "the best healthcare system in the world" - as in "they are trying to take down the best healthcare system in the world."
Mr. Boehner can be admired, perhaps, for his patriotism, but it's blind patriotism when it ignores the facts. The last time the World Health Organization published a healthcare-ratings table of the nations of the world, in 2000, the United States ranked 37th. France was number 1 - something even the conservative magazine Business Week admitted, in 2007, is a pretty impressive achievement.
In claiming the U.S. healthcare SYSTEM is the world's best, our new Speaker of the House is at best mistaken, and at worst engaging in a baldfaced lie. Yes, the healthcare available to certain people in the United States, and to certain well-heeled foreign nationals who fly here for treatment, is among the world's best. Yes, our nation is at the forefront of medical research. But our healthcare system - the overall structure whereby healthcare is delivered to the citizenry at large - is costly, inefficient and just plain broken for huge numbers of sick people. Worst of all, the sicker you get, the more you pay.

I don't seriously think this move to repeal last fall's landmark healthcare bill will succeed. There are still enough votes in the Senate to protect it. Contrary to the anti-healthcare talking-points, a huge majority of the American people still favor it. This is mere political posturing, just as reading the Constitution aloud on the floor of the House is political posturing.
Yet, those of us who are concerned for the health of all Americans - not just the holders of Cadillac medical-insurance policies like members of Congress - ought not to be complacent. This move is a major threat to the health, happiness and survival of millions of hardworking people. It seeks to perpetuate a corrupt system whereby big-business interests siphon off billions of dollars in profits, while poor and middle-income people die unnecessary deaths.
Remember, this is the man who once handed out checks from tobacco lobbyists on the House floor. That shows whose side he's really on.