Monday, November 16, 2009

An Evening with: Paddy Ashdown

It's not every night you get the chance to meet a politician who has really done good, and tonight I was fortunate enough to meet one such politician - Paddy Ashdown.

The MP for Yeovil (1983-2001), leader of the Liberal Democrats (1988-1999) and international High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina (May 2002-2006) was in the Belgian Capital tonight speaking before an audience of fellow Liberal Democrats in the Brussels branch about his life and his latest book, A Fortunate Life.

Lord Ashdown

Starting with a joke, Lord Ashdown then read passages from his book about his life in the armed forces and the horrors that he saw while in Bosnia, which while terribly depressing were beautifully written.

He then fielded questions from the audience and in his lengthy responses (typical practice of politicians of course) outlined his vision for Afghanistan, the progress required by his beloved Bosnia to rise to possible EU accession status and what the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy created by the Lisbon Treaty, whose identity could be known this Thursday, needs to take into consideration.

While giving a rather pessimistic outlook on prospects, it was somewhat comforting that someone knows so well what he was talking about - especially in the field of foreign policy. Is it too late to put Lord Ashdown's name forward for the role?!

Unfortunately today was the day I forgot to pick up my camera in the morning, despite carrying it everywhere since first setting foot in Brussels, so the photo above is courtesy of my camera phone…

A Fortunate Life by ajburgess, on Flickr

Oh, and I did treat myself to his book, been after it for a while and well given the occasion I thought it was time...