Monday, November 2, 2009

Video: Afghanistans Abusive Marriages Drive Women to Suicide by Fire

From Denny: In a country still in the Stone Age on so many levels, Afghanistan is not winning any high marks in how they treat young women when they marry them. Granted, the average life expectancy is only age 44 here so it goes to the need to marry 13 year old girls. The same was true in Europe during the Middle Ages.

The problem is that 13 year old girls are simply not equipped emotionally or physically for the rigors of adulthood. As young girls they are not prepared for abuse, not knowing which way to turn. Worse, the culture is such that their own family members turn on them, victimizing them repeatedly. When a young married woman complains her husband pimps her out to his friends, trading sex for money, she gets no quarter from the local authorities or her family members.

There are too many horror stories of abuse and tales of extreme amorality to document here today but rest assured that slowly some of these young women are beginning to walk away anyway. Foreign aid agencies have stepped in to help these abandoned and abused women, offering them hope and a new life.

Afghanistan has a long way to go to improve its culture and standing in the world when it comes just to basic human rights for their wives, mothers and daughters. There is so little hope in this country for women. In the end, it will have to be the women who stand up for the women. They must defy tradition and culture in order to survive. One day they will thrive.

Take a look at this video as a French aid doctor is clearly upset at what he treats on a regular basis. Do what you can to help, if only to pray every day for the women in Afghanistan.