Thursday, December 23, 2010

LibDems more crap than incompetent

Early this month I blogged that rather than being unprincipled and duplicitious, the LibDems were simply incompetent. That they were out of their depth in government and that David Cameron had run rings around them.

After the relevations in the Daily Telegraph I know have to strengthen that view and state that they are just plain crap.

The Telegraph has given an interesting window upon their mentality and their complete lack of self-awareness. First we have the fantasy world of Norman Baker who likened himself to an anti-apartheid MP who fought to change from within. Er ... perhaps Fraggle Rock might be a more suitable place than the Houses of Parliament?

Then Michael Moore who admitted tuition fees were a car crash. Followed by David Heath who said he was "wholly against" tuition fees. Quite why neither in that case simply voted against them is not clear. As Eleanor of Aquitaine said to Richard in James Goldman's "Lion in Winter" = "Departing is a simple act. You put the left foot down and then the right." The "No" chamber is over there lads.

On a more serious note though, that the LibDems are so crap is a serious cause for worry. The Tories clearly do not expect to win the next election which is why they trying to enact what they hope is irreversible change at such a rapid pace.

The LibDems were unable to bring themselves to stop tuition fees so how on earth can we trust them to moderate or stop another Tory wheeze like Lansley's highly unpopular NHS reform?

If they cannot reign in the Tories and act as responsible Coalition partners then the LibDems should do the decent thing and step down. Now these Thatcherite policies are out in the open we should have another General Election and decide once and for all whether we want them.