The roles reverse pretty quickly. I’m not a member of the hospital staff, but visiting pastors like me do get to wear a hospital photo-ID badge. Those two items – the paper wristband and the more substantial, credit-card-like plastic badge – are symbolic of a certain ambiguity of role I feel at times. Maybe I ought to just wear them both, I think to myself – just to make life interesting.
I’ve heard some cancer survivors talk about how anxious they get, around the time of their scans. I can’t say I’m feeling anxiety about the scan itself. I look on it this way: whatever it’s going to reveal is already going on within my body, so worrying about it isn’t going to make a bit of difference. It’s a wonderful thing that the doctors are able to peer into my body, non-invasively, and take measurements of my swollen lymph nodes.
Speaking of treatments, there was a setback to cancer research this week, here in New Jersey. On Election Day, voters decided, 53% to 47%, to answer “no” to a public question that would have allowed the State to borrow millions of dollars to fund stem-cell research. (This question was meant to be New Jersey’s answer to the Federal government’s refusal to fund any research that might involve embryonic stem cells.) There was a well-financed campaign against this measure, that stressed not so much the moral objections from right-wingers (who, unreasonably, equate using a fertilized egg in the laboratory with destruction of a viable human life) as the impact on the State’s overstretched budget. The opponents also suggested that, if the pharmaceutical companies haven’t seen fit to fund this research out of their R&D budgets, then why should the State do so? (This, ignoring the fact that public-private partnerships are quite common in medical research, and have produced some significant breakthroughs in the past.)
For now, it’s back to business as usual – which means watch and wait.