More than two-thirds (69.8%) of voters in French Guiana and a whopping 80% in Martinique voted against the proposal, with voter turnout 48% and 55% respectively.
The two overseas territories have long been known as departements of France (aka DOM-TOM - see below left) - giving them the same political status as mainland France - for more than 60 years, and as a result have received considerable financial support from central government.
The vote on increased autonomy had been announced by President Nicolas Sarkozy when he visited Matrinique (above) in June after a serious of strikes and riots took place on the islands sparked by high unemployment, which stands at 22% in Martinique and a similar level in Guiana, low wages and rising prices.

Before the vote, Martinique's regional president Alfred Marie-Jeanne had said that a positive vote would be "with no losses and no risks", and he pointed out that social security rights and membership of the European Union would be maintained.
NB. A similar proposal was rejected in Martinique back in 2003 by a 50.48% majority of voters.