If anyone has read this blog for even a short time, he or she already knows that the Vatican and its institutions want nothing more than to calumniate and punish the State of Israel for its "sins." Not only that, but it also wants to coerce the rest of the world to join in on the condemnation. In speeches, letters, sermons, and reports, the Vatican does its best to convince the international community that Israel deserves to be restrained, disciplined, and forced to answer for its "abusive" and "inhumane" treatment of the Palestinian people.
Meanwhile, the Vatican's real goal is to remove Jerusalem from Israeli control and make it an international city-state governed by an international body.
Pax Christi International, the Catholic church's massive coalition of peace organizations, has decided to join the World Council of Churches for an ecumenical "week of advocacy and action" from May 29 to June 4, 2010. The theme of this endeavor is "It's time for Palestine"--a simple slogan for a simple-minded affair. Both Pax Christi and the WCC will not only pray to end the "occupation" of Palestine during this week, but they will also push for individuals to lobby their governments to exert pressure on Israelis. The two organizations have assembled a heavily-prejudiced "fact sheet" that encourages all churches to "send a clear signal to policy makers."
A clear signal of Catholic/Ecumenical anti-Israelism, that is.
The following description comes from the Pax Christi website.
World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel
The World Council of Churches is inviting member churches and related organizations (Pax Christi International and its member organisations active worldwide) to join a week of advocacy and action for a just peace in Palestine and Israel. Those who share the hope of justice are invited to take peaceful actions, together, to create a common international public witness. During the World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel, from 29 May to 4 June 2010, churches in different countries send a clear signal to policy-makers, interested publics and their own parishes about the urgent need for a peace settlement that secures the legitimate rights and future of both peoples. Participants are requested to plan their activities around these points: Pray with churches living under occupation, using a special prayer from Jerusalem. Educate about actions that make for peace and about facts on the ground that do not, especially, settlements in occupied territory. Advocate with political leaders using ecumenical policies that promote peace with justice. The week calls participants to seek justice for Palestinians so that both Israelis and Palestinians can finally live in peace. It is now more than 60 years since the partition of Palestine hardened into a permanent nightmare for Palestinians. It's more than 40 years since the occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza overwhelmed the peaceful vision of one land, two peoples. Yet the dream of one nation cannot be fulfilled at the expense of another. The action week's message is that now: • It's time for Palestinians and Israelis to share a just peace. • It's time for freedom from occupation. • It's time for equal rights. • It's time for the healing of wounded souls. Representatives of Churches, specialised ministries, communities and parishes are invited to join a week of advocacy, education and prayer for a just peace in Palestine an Israel together with the Pax Christi International network. The invitation and “fact sheet” is available in English in 2010-0036-en-me-AC A list of resources is available in English in 2010-0037-en-me-AC More resources at http://www.oikoumene.org/en/events-sections/wwppi.html Materials will be provided in other languages as well. Fr. Paul Lansu of the International Secretariat and Toine Van Teeffelen of the Arab Education Institute (MO in Bethlehem), are members of the Working Group preparing the Week of Action. Please inform the International Secretariat about any initiative taken or resources produced by the different member organisations. |