Monday, April 25, 2011

Syria: Assad's slaughter of the innocents

WARNING: This video contains graphic images of President Bashar al-Assad's slaughter of his own people in Syria, as they demonstrate against his tyrannical regime and protest for liberty and democracy. DO NOT WATCH THIS VIDEO IF YOU ARE OF A NERVOUS DISPOSITION OR MAY BE OFFENDED BY HIGHLY DISTURBING IMAGES.

Colonel Gaddafi merely threatened to do this in Benghazi and, as a consequence, the Prime Minister decided to send him the way of Saddam. President Assad is actually doing it: this footage is from Good Friday, and dozens more have been slaughtered today. Syrian MPs are resigning in protest. And we do nothing.

Is the life of a Libyan worth more than that of a Syrian?

Thank God for C4 News, who are leading with this story tonight.