In the modern world of competition and challenges finding a job is not more than a dream. This dream will come true only when you have a brilliant degree from a well reputed institute, extra skills and experience in your field. Beside these, short courses like computer course, language course, oriental courses etc also increase the chance of getting job.
Before finding a job it is necessary to make short documents which hold information about your academic results, skills, experiences and somehow also enlighten your personality, ways of contact and give your bio data. You have to make your resume, cover letter. Photocopy your marks sheets or scan them in computer so that you can sent them where you are applying fir the job.
A good passport size photograph is also a necessary for your bio data. You have to prepare all these things before finding the job so that you can use them whenever you want. If you are looking for the job then it is very important that you know how to offer yourself in the best way for your job. Your resume, CV or cover letter will help you in this regard. You are advertising yourself through your CV. So try to make this advertisement energetic, good and attractive.
You can do this by mentioning your interpersonal skills, strong work ethic. Never mess up your CV or resumes with words. All above tips save your CV to be trashed. Now after all that search for the job by using different job engines. There are many resources you can use for finding job. Newspapers, magazines, internet will help you in this respect. Newspapers are the limited resource for finding job.
There are only few jobs mentioned in the newspaper because of low space. Internet is the unlimited source of information. You can not only search jobs in your country but also come to know about the job vacancies outside the country. It is also the fast way. Also keep in contact with various advertising resources and the people who are already working in the field you want for your job will also helpful for you. When you will called by the hiring managers for interview then it is very necessary to look at your personality and mental attitude.
As everyone welcome the good looking and good behavioral employer. Keep updates with the associated sites of your particular field. When you get the job then make sure to create thank you letter. In this letter you say thanks to those who are considering you for the job and declare that you will work with your great ethics, attention to detail. Your thank you letter makes them satisfied for their choice and you will have to prove this satisfaction right by working with keen interest and best of yours.
Written By:
Sumaira Shafiq
MSC Sociology
University Of Punjab